Monday, November 5, 2012

Cannes, J love you Cannes. Cannes Film Festival

Ima li išta lepše nego biti u Kanu za vreme Kanskog festivala? Za mene nema. Kan je za mene definitinvo najlepši grad u Francuskoj, posle njega je Monte Carlo(o tome u sl postu). Za vreme Kanskog fetivala grad odiše glamurom i sjajom. Ispred Filmske Palate se skupljaju ljudi, satima i satima pre pocetka dolaženja zvezda, ne bi li baš videli neku od zvezda i zvezdica u svečanim taoletama i smokinzima. Nažalost nisam videla nikog poznatog. :(

Is there anything more beautiful than to be in Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival? For me, no.  For me Cannes is the most beautiful city in France, after it was Monte Carlo (discussed in a post etc.). During the Cannes Film fetivala city exudes glamor and shine. In front of the movie palace to gather people for hours and hours before the start of coming star, would not you just see some of the stars and star in festive toilets and tuxedos.canoe, I love you cannes!

 *Me :D